
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Making dreams a reality

      Everyday that I have to get ready and go to work in the city feels like a step away from my dream of being a writer. Although I write something everyday, usually when most are still sleeping,I know that I am not giving my writing projects the time and attention that the day job receives which seems unfair.
     Whilst pondering this thought this morning I realised that in fact that is not the case. My whole day revolves around writing. I get up early to write before I go to work. I read on the bus to assist my developing craft. I find my thoughts drifting throughout the day to things I will write, include or change when I get back in front of my laptop. On my desk at work my trusty note pad sits waiting so that these thoughts are not wasted. My mobile phone memo application is filling with snippets that I hear, situations I witness that I may use in the future and I have three chapters of my novel in draft in there which are crafted when I take my lunch break down at the waterside to sit and write.
     So in reality I am fulfilling my dream and everyday I move a step closer to the dream finale of being a full time writer.
     My desk at home has a diary with daily quotations and as I prepared to leave this morning I glanced at the diary and this is today's quotation:

"Life without a purpose is a languid, drifting thing; every day we ought to review our purpose, saying to ourselves, 'This day let me make a sound beginning"

       -Thomas Kempis

So its off to the bus my kindle prepared and another day begins.

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